woensdag 18 december 2013
Pope Francis celebrates his birthday with children treated at Catholic c...
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 18.12.13 0 comments
Pope Francis: Jesus is God-with-us
“God has willed to share our human condition to the point of making himself one of us in the Person of Jesus, who is true man and true God.” But even more surprising, he said, is that Jesus becomes man not in “an ideal world, an idyllic [world], but in this real world, marked by so many things, good and bad, marked by divisions, wickedness, poverty, arrogance and wars.” In this way God shows that He is merciful towards humanity, and filled with love for us. “He is God-with-us: do you believe this?” Pope Francis asked the crowd. When they responded “Si!” the Holy Father continued “But let us make this confession: Jesus is God-with-us! All together: Jesus is God-with-us!” And he thanked the faithful for their enthusiastic response.
The birth of Jesus, the Pope said, brings us the good news that we are loved “immensely and individually” by God – and God not only helps us to know this love for each of us, but also gives and communicates this love to us.
Pope Francis concluded his Audience by pointing out two considerations we can take away from these considerations on the Nativity of Jesus: The first is that God reveals Himself not as one who remains on high and dominates the universe, but as one who humbles Himself. This shows us that in order to be like Him, we must not put ourselves above others, but must humble ourselves and serve others. He had strong words for Christians who refuse to humble themselves: “It is an ugly thing,” he said, “when you see a Christian who doesn’t want to humble himself, who doesn’t want to serve, a Christian who struts about everywhere: it’s ugly, eh? That is not a Christian: that’s a pagan!”
The second consideration is that, if Jesus has become one of us, than whatever we do for a brother or a sister, we do for Him. “Jesus Himself reminds us: He who has fed, welcomed, visited, loved one of the smallest and poorest of people, has done it for the Son of God.”
Pope Francis concluded his catechesis with greetings for the various groups who attended the Audience in Saint Peter’s Square, noting in particular pilgrims from England, Australia and the United States. He also had a word of thanks for members of the group “Up with People” for their musical entertainment during the audience.
Below, please find the complete text of the English-language summary of the Pope’s remarks, followed by his greetings for English-speaking pilgrims:
Synthesis: Dear Brothers and Sisters: In these last days of Advent we prepare ourselves spiritually to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a feast of joyful hope, for God has become one with us in the person of his Son, true God and true man. He showed his love for us by becoming part of our world, with all its conflicts, its suffering and its poverty. Jesus is truly Emmanuel: God among us. This is the great “gift” which he brings: a divine love which heals and transforms our hearts, overcoming all uncertainty and pessimism. Our joyful contemplation of the mystery of Christmas should make us realize that, as God has become one of us, we too are called to become like God: humble, close to others, especially the poor, and ever attentive to their needs. This Christmas, let us ask Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, to help us see in our neighbour the face of Jesus, God made man. May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing the joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women.
Greetings: I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims present at today’s Audience including those from England, Australia and the United States. I thank the members of “Up with People” for their musical entertainment. Upon you and your families I invoke God’s blessings of joy and peace!
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 18.12.13 0 comments
Pope Francis celebrates Mass with 4 homeless men on his 77th birthday
It was Pope Francis’s 77th birthday on Tuesday and those present at his morning Mass included Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of State and Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Dean of the College of Cardinals, together with staff from the Santa Marta guesthouse. The congregation also included the Almoner Monsignor Konrad Krajewski who brought with him 4 homeless men who live in the streets around the Vatican. After the Mass, all those present wished the Pope a happy birthday and sang greetings to him before joining him for breakfast in the Vatican guesthouse.
Today’s reading was centered on the genealogy of Jesus and the Pope used this in his homily to reflect on God’s enduring presence in our lives throughout history. He said “God wished to live out His life alongside us” and “took His surname from each of us.”
“God,” the Pope continued, “has always walked alongside His people,” beginning with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He did not want to come to redeem us without coming to live among us and share our lives. The Pope said this long list of God’s people included “saints and sinners.” The latter included “high level sinners who committed serious sins and who didn’t listen” to God’s plans for them.
Pope Francis said in addition to accompanying us in our lives our God follows us and in this way, he displays His humility, His patience and His love for us. He concluded his homily with “a Christmas wish” for all of us “to allow God to write our lives for us.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 18.12.13 0 comments
Pope Francis: without prophecy, only clericalism
Commenting on the day’s readings, Pope Francis said a prophet is someone who listens to the words of God, who reads the spirit of the times, and who knows how to move forward towards the future. True prophets, the Pope said, hold within themselves three different moments: past, present, and future. They keep the promise of God alive, they see the suffering of their people, and they bring us the strength to look ahead.
God looks after his people, the Pope continued, by giving them prophets in the hardest times, in the midst of their worst suffering. But when there is no spirit of prophecy among the people of God, we fall into the trap of clericalism.
In the Gospel, for example, the priests ask Jesus: “With what authority do you do these things? We are the masters of the Temple!” They didn't understand the prophecy, Pope Francis said, they had forgotten the promise. They didn't know how to read the spirit of the times, they didn't listen to the words of God, they had only their authority.
When there is no prophecy among the people of God, the emptiness that is created gets filled by clericalism. All memory of the past and hope for the future are reduced only to the present: no past promise, no future hope. But when clericalism reigns supreme, Pope Francis said, the words of God are sorely missed, and true believers weep because they cannot find the Lord.
As we prepare for the birth of the Lord, Pope Francis concluded, let us pray: “Lord, let us not lack prophets amongst your people!” All those who are baptized are prophets: let us not forget God’s promise, let us not tire of moving forward.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 18.12.13 0 comments
zondag 15 december 2013
Interview with the Pope: Christmas is the encounter with Jesus
As the first Christmas of his pontificate approaches, Pope explained how to live the season with his usual simplicity: “It is the encounter with Jesus.” Christmas is an encounter between God and His people. And it is also a consolation, “a mystery of consolation.” Christmas, the Pope said, “speaks to us about tenderness and hope.” It is an invitation to all Christians to not become “a cold Church, that doesn’t know where it’s going, that is tied up in ideologies, in worldly attitudes.” Pope Francis responds to the critics and the stereotypes of those who would trivialize the celebration of Christmas with a few persuasive words: “When one doesn’t have the capacity, or is there is a human situation that doesn’t permit you to understand this joy, you live the feast with a worldly cheer. But between the profound joy and mundane cheerfulness there is a difference.”
From his reflections on Christmas, the Pope moved on to a reflection on the 50th anniversary of the historic visit of Pope Paul VI to the Holy Land. Pope Francis expressed his desire to go there himself to meet with “my brother Bartholomew, the patriarch of Constantinople.”
Pope Francis then dealt with the question of the innocent suffering of children, who do not understand the reason of their suffering, and who can only entrust themselves to God, “to entrust themselves to His gaze.” And the suffering of children is seen too in situations of hunger. The Pope invites us to shake off indifference and to avoid waste. The social doctrine of the Church is the Pope’s compass, as he himself explained, referring to Evangelii gaudium, and to some criticisms that have come from some circles. To his mind, there are the poor and [there is] the economy that never seems to better their condition even in periods of prosperity. When asked if he ever feels offended by being called a Marxist, the Pope answered no: “It is a mistaken ideology, but I have known so many Marxists who as persons are good, and for this reason I am not offended.”
The unity of Christians is another priority. Today, Pope Francis says, there exists an “ecumenism of blood.” He explains that in many countries, Christians are killed without distinction, but unity is a grace that is still yet to come.
On the question of the Sacraments for the divorced and re-married, the Pope said he doesn’t take a position, but referred to the Consistory in February and the extraordinary Synod in October 2014. He emphasized the necessity of prudence, “not as a paralyzing attitude, but as a virtue of those who govern.”
Responding to a question about the proper relationship between the Church and politics, Pope Francis spoke about a relationship that moves in different environments and with different tasks, but which must converge in helping the people. “Politics is noble,” he said, citing Paul VI. “It is one of the highest forms of charity. We dirty it when we use it for business.”
Finally, Pope Francis spoke about the image of women in the Church, who must be esteemed and not “clericalized.”
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 15.12.13 0 comments
Pope Francis: the Church is a house of joy
In his Angelus message on the Third Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis reminded us that the day is also called “Gaudete Sunday,” “Rejoice Sunday.” The Liturgy, he said, is filled with calls to rejoice, to be joyful, in order to prepare us to celebrate the feast of Christmas with renewed exultation.
But, he said, the joy of the Gospel is not just any kind of joy. It is the joy that comes from knowing that you are welcomed and loved by God. Pope Francis pointed to Sunday’s reading from the Prophet Isaiah, which tells us that God is a God who comes to save us, and especially to lift up those who have lost heart. “However great our limits and our losses, we are not allowed to be weak and vacillating in the face of difficulties and our own weaknesses.” On the contrary, he said, we are called to be strong, “to strengthen the hands, to make firm the knees, to have courage and not be afraid, because our God always shows the greatness of His mercy.” With His help, we can start anew and overcome sadness and tears, we can “sing a new song.”
The Holy Father said that “Christian joy, like hope, is founded on the faithfulness of God, in the certainty that He always keeps His promises.” Isaiah, he said, calls on those who have lost their way, who are despairing, to trust in the faithfulness of the Lord, “because His salvation will not delay in breaking into their lives.” Those who trust in God, the Pope said, “experience a peacefulness in their hearts that nothing and no one can take away.” Our joy, he said, is Christ. For this reason, a Christian who becomes sad can be said, in a certain way, to be far from Christ. But precisely for that reason, we must not leave them alone, but rather we must “pray for them, and make them feel the warmth of the community.”
Pope Francis concluded his Angelus address with an appeal to the Virgin Mary to “help us hasten our steps to Bethlehem, in order to meet the Child that is born for us, for the salvation and joy of all.”
After leading the Angelus prayer, the Pope had special greetings for various groups of pilgrims, and first of all for the children of Rome. Following an old tradition, they had come to Saint Peter’s Square on Gaudete Sunday with the Baby Jesus from their Nativity sets, which are blessed by the Holy Father. “Dear children,” Pope Francis said, “when you pray before your Nativity scenes, remember me too, as I remember you. Thank you, and happy Christmas!”
He greeted too the pilgrims from Rome, from Italy, and from around the world, and in particular those from Spain and the United States. He concluded his greetings with a special wish for a happy Sunday.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 15.12.13 0 comments
Pope Francis: Friday homily focuses on scandal of preaching
In his remarks to the faithful following the readings of the day, Pope Francis focused on the day's Gospel, drawn from that according to St Matthew (11:16-19). There, Jesus compares the generation of his time to always unhappy children, explaining that they were, “not open to the Word of God.” Their refusal, he explained, was not of the message, but of the messenger. “They reject John the Baptist,” he said, who came, “neither eating nor drinking ,” saying of him that he was “a man possessed.” They reject Jesus because they say, “He is a glutton, a drunkard, a friend of publicans and sinners.” They always have a reason to criticize the preacher:
“The people of that time preferred to take refuge in a more elaborate religion: in the moral precepts, such as the group of Pharisees; in political compromise, as the Sadducees; in social revolution, as the zealots; in gnostic spirituality, such as Essenes. They were [happy] with their clean, well-polished system. The preacher, however, was not [so pleased]. Jesus reminded them: ‘Your fathers did the same with the prophets.’ The people of God have a certain allergy to the preachers of the Word: they persecuted the prophets, [even] killed them.”
The Pope went on to say that these people claimed to accept the truth of revelation, “but the preacher, preaching, no. They prefer a life caged in their precepts, in their compromises, in their revolutionary plans or in their [disembodied] spirituality.” They are those Christians, who are always discontented with what preachers say:
"These Christians are closed, they are trapped, sad ... these Christians are not free. Why? Because they are afraid of the freedom of the Holy Spirit, which comes through preaching. This, then, is the scandal of preaching, of which St. Paul spoke: the scandal of preaching that ends in the scandal of the Cross. That God should speak to us through men with limits , sinful men, scandalizes: and what scandalizes even more is that that God should speak to us and save us by way of a man who says he is the Son of God but ends [his life] as a criminal. That scandalizes.”
“These sad Christians,” said Pope Francis, “do not believe in the Holy Spirit , do not believe in the freedom that comes from preaching, which admonishes you, teaches you – slaps you , as well – but it is the very freedom that makes the Church grow.”:
“Seeing these children who are afraid to dance, to cry, [who are] afraid of everything, who ask for certainty in all things, I think of these sad Christians, who always criticize the preachers of the Truth, because they are afraid to open the door to the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for them, and pray also for ourselves, that we do not become sad Christians, cutting off the freedom of the Holy Spirit to come to us through the scandal of preaching.”
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 15.12.13 0 comments
woensdag 11 december 2013
Pope Francis: 'Person of the Year'
(Vatican Radio ) Pope Francis has been named Time Magazine's ‘Person of the Year’ for 2013. He is the third Roman Pontiff to receive this honour after John XXIII in 1962 and John Paul II in 1994.
The Head of the Holy See’s Press Office, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, issued the following statement:
“The decision didn’t come as a surprise given the great resonance and attention surrounding the election of Pope Francis right from the start of the new pontificate. The fact that one of the most prestigious awards to be attributed by the international press should go to someone who promotes spiritual, religious and moral values as well as call for peace and greater justice in an incisive manner is a positive sign. As for the Pope himself, he’s not someone who seeks fame and success, because he has put his life at the service of announcing the Gospel of the love of God for mankind. It is pleasing to the Pope that this service should appeal and give hope to women and men. And if this choice of ‘Person of the Year’ should mean that many people have understood this message - at least implicitly - the Pope is really happy about this."
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 11.12.13 0 comments
Pope Francis: the door of the Lord is always open
“Comfort, give comfort to my people.” Pope Francis began his homily by reflecting on the reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah, the book of the consolation of Israel. The Lord, he noted, approaches His people to comfort them, “to give them peace.” And this “work of consolation” is so strong that it “draws all things.” The Lord accomplishes a true re-creation:
“He re-creates things. And the Church never tires of saying that this re-creation is more wonderful than the creation. The Lord re-creates more wonderfully. And so He visits His people: re-creating, with that power. And the people of God always had this idea, this thought, that the Lord will come to visit them. We remember the last word of Joseph to his brothers: “When the Lord will visit you, you must take my bones with you.” The Lord will visit His people. It is the hope of Israel. But He will visit them with this consolation.”
“And the consolation,” he continued, “is this drawing all things, not once, but many times, with the universe and also with us.” This “drawing of the Lord,” the Pope said, has two dimensions that it is important to emphasize. “When the Lord approaches,” he said, “He gives us hope; the Lord draws us with hope. He always opens a door. Always.” When the Lord approaches, the Pope repeated, “he doesn’t close doors, He opens [them].” The Lord “in His nearness gives us hope, this hope that is a true strength in the Christian life. It is a grace, it is a gift”:
“When a Christian forgets hope — or worse, loses hope — his life is senseless. It’s as if his life hit a wall: there’s nothing. But the Lord comforts us and draws us forward with hope. And He does it with a special closeness to each one, because the Lord comforts His people and comforts each one of us. It’s beautiful how today’s reading ends: ‘Like a shepherd He feeds His flock; in His arms He gathers the lambs, carrying them in His bosom, and leading the ewes with care.’ That image of carrying the lambs in His bosom, and leading the ewes with care: that is tenderness. The Lord comforts us with tenderness.”
He continued, “God who is powerful “is not afraid of tenderness.” “He becomes tender, becomes a child, becomes small.” In the Gospel, he noted, Jesus says the same: “In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.” In the eyes of the Lord, he added, “each one of us is very, very important. And He gives with tenderness.” And so He makes us “go forward, giving us hope.” This, he said again, “was the principle work of Jesus” in the forty days between the Resurrection and the Ascension: to comfort the disciples, to be close to them and give them consolation”:
“He was close to them and gave hope, He approached with tenderness. But we think of the tenderness He had with the Apostles, with Mary Magdalene, with those of Emmaus. He approached with tenderness: “Give me something to eat.” With Thomas: “Put your finger here.” The Lord is always this way. This is the consolation of the Lord. May the Lord give to all of us the grace to not be afraid of the consolation of the Lord, to be open: ask for it, seek it, because it is a consolation that will give us hope, and make us feel the tenderness of God the Father.”
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 11.12.13 0 comments
Pope supports appeal to end 'scandal of hunger'
The Pope underlined that nearly one billion people still suffer from hunger worldwide today."We cannot look the other way and pretend this does not exist," he said.
Read the full text of Pope Francis’ appeal: Message from Pope Francis for the launch of
One Human Family, Food for All
Dear brothers and dear sisters,
Today, I am happy to announce to you the launch of a campaign against global hunger by our very own Caritas Internationalis and to tell you that I intend to give my full support. This confederation, together with its 164 member organisations works in 200 countries and territories around the world and its work is at the heart of the mission of the Church and of Her attention towards all those who suffer because of the scandal of hunger, those with whom the Lord identified when he said, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”.
When the Apostles said to Jesus that the people who had come to listen to his words were hungry, He invited them to go and look for food. Being poor themselves, all they found were five loaves and two fish. But with the grace of God, they managed to feed a multitude of people, even managing to collect what was left over and avoiding that it went to waste.
We are in front of a global scandal of around one billion – one billion people who still suffer from hunger today. We cannot look the other way and pretend this does not exist. The food available in the world is enough to feed everyone. The parable of the multiplication of the loaves and fish teaches us exactly this: that if there is the will, what we have never ends. On the contrary, it abounds and does not get wasted.
Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, I invite you to make space in your heart for this emergency of respecting the God-given rights of everyone to have access to adequate food. We share what we have in Christian charity with those who face numerous obstacles to satisfy such a basic need. At the same time we promote an authentic cooperation with the poor so that through the fruits of their and our work they can live a dignified life.
I invite all of the institutions of the world, the Church, each of us, as one single human family, to give a voice to all of those who suffer silently from hunger, so that this voice becomes a roar which can shake the world.
This campaign is also an invitation to all of us to become more conscious in our food choices, which often lead to waste and a poor use of the resources available to us. It is also a reminder to stop thinking that our daily actions do not have an impact on the lives of those who suffer from hunger first-hand.
I ask you from the bottom of my heart to support our Caritas organisations in this noble campaign where they will act as one human family to ensure food for all.
Let us pray that the Lord gives us the grace to envisage a world in which no one must ever again die of hunger. And asking for this grace, I give you my blessing.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 11.12.13 0 comments
woensdag 4 december 2013
dinsdag 3 december 2013
Pope Francis: A Church without joy is unthinkable
Peace and joy. Pope Francis’ homily dwelt on these two themes. In the reading from the book of Isaiah, he noted, we see the desire for peace that we all have. It is the peace, says Isaiah, that the Messiah brings to us. In the Gospel, on the other hand, “we are able to see a little into the soul of Jesus, the heart of Jesus: a joyful heart”:
“We always think of Jesus when He preaches, when He heals, when He travels, walks along the street, even during the Last Supper. . . But we aren’t used to thinking about Jesus smiling, joyful. Jesus was full of joy, full of joy. In that intimacy with His Father: ‘I rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and I praised the Father.’ It is precisely the internal mystery of Jesus, that relationship with the Father in the Spirit. It is His internal joy, the interior joy that He gives to us.”
“And this joy,” he said, “is true peace: not a static peace, quiet, tranquil” no, “Christian peace is a joyful peace, because our Lord is joyful.” And, too, He is joyful “when He speaks about the Father: He loves the Father so much that He can’t talk about Him without joy.” Our God, the Pope said, “is joyful.” And Jesus has willed that His spouse, the Church, should also be joyful”:
“You can’t imagine a Church without joy; and the joy of the Church lies precisely in this: to proclaim the name of Jesus. To say: ‘He is the Lord. My spouse is the Lord. He is God. He saves us, He walks with us.’ And that is the joy of the Church, that in this joy of being a bride becomes a mother. Paul VI said: the joy of the Church is precisely to evangelize, to go forth and to speak about her Spouse. And also to transmit that joy to the children that she bears, that she raises.”
And so, he said, let us consider that the peace of which Isaiah speaks “is a peace that is so moving, it is a peace of joy, a peace of praise,” it is a peace that we could say is “noisy, in praise, a peace that bears fruit in becoming a mother of new children.” It is a peace, Pope Francis said, “that comes precisely in the joy of praise for the Trinity, and of evangelization, of going to the people to tell them who Jesus is.” Peace and joy, he repeated. And he pointed to the words of Jesus, “a dogmatic declaration,” when He affirms, “You decided to reveal Yourself not to the wise, but to the little ones”:
“Even in so many serious things, such as this, Jesus is joyful, the Church is joyful. She must be joyful. Even in her widowhood—because the Church has something of the widow who waits for her spouse to come back—even in her widowhood, the Church is joyful in hope. The Lord gives this joy to all of us, this joy of Jesus, praising the Father in the Spirit. This joy of our mother Church in evangelizing, in announcing her Spouse.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 3.12.13 0 comments
Pastoral visit encourages Church in Caribbean
(Vatican Radio) Cardinal Fernando Filoni, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, addressed the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Antilles on Saturday, while on his first pastoral visit to the region.
In his address to the bishops at the Seminary of St John Vianney and Ugandan Martyrs in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, the cardinal spoke of the three main challenges facing the Church in the Caribbean: the scarcity of priests and religious, the declining number of Catholics engaged in the life of the Church, and always decreasing financial resources.
He encouraged the bishops in facing these problems and urged them to take the necessary steps in fostering healthy clergy and lay communities, capable of living fully the faith and mission of the Church.
He also pointed to signs of hope: the re-opening of the seminary, the presence of new lay movements and religious communities, and the institution of the permanent diaconate. He later preached at San Fernando Cathedral in Port Hope.
Cardinal Filoni’s visit began on Friday and will continue until 4 December, with stops in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Martinique and Guadeloupe. On Sunday, he travels to Jamaica, where the local Church is to hold a closing mass for the Year of Faith.
Read Cardinal Filoni’s full text to the bishops below:
Greetings: I will begin by expressing my great joy in being invited to visit the Church in the Caribbean. It was the first area of the Americas to hear the Good News of Christ over 400 years ago, and it is the first time that the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is visiting the region. In fact, it will be my very first opportunity to meet with all of you as one group, and my first occasion to meet with some of you in person. I would, therefore, like to express my gratitude to Archbishop Patrick Pinder, President of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, for inviting me and to Archbishop Joseph Harris, for his warm welcome here, in Port of Spain, the mother Diocese for many of the other local Churches in the Antilles.
Context: Let me first assure you all of the importance of the Antilles Episcopal Conference for the Holy See, which is well aware of the difficulties that you are facing, augmented in part by the great heterogeneity of the region. You are composed of many different nation states, language groups, and socio-economic realities. This region’s great cultural diversity is the result of a rich and sometimes painful history, which has shaped who you are today. Along with those peoples indigenous to the islands before the arrival of Europeans, one cannot overlook the millions of Africans that were forcibly brought over as slaves. To these one must add the many others who have immigrated to the region, from Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. The resulting ethnic and cultural diversity is of great significance for the life of the local Church and for the enculturation of the Gospel. It also poses many challenges in making common decisions and in developing common strategies for the formation of the clergy and for needed pastoral responses to different problems. I would therefore encourage you to make every effort to collaborate, on every level, so as to make the Church’s evangelizing presence even more effective in the Antilles.
Challenges: After the enthusiasm following the Second Vatican Council, which affirmed the importance of local cultures in the life of particular Churches, their liturgies and pastoral programs, there was a period of disenchantment, which resulted in a drop in vocations, a diminution in the numbers of priests and religious, a decline in the number of Catholics and a decrease in their zeal for the faith, and a significant reduction in financial resources available for the sustenance of the Dioceses. These difficulties are linked to the impact of secularization and hedonism, more prevalent in this part of the missionary world than in some others, partly because of the influence of the many North American and European tourists that have made the Caribbean a preferred destination for their holidays. These realities have given rise to three major challenges, which you now face as an Episcopal Conference: a scarcity of priests and religious, falling numbers of Catholics engaged in the life of the Church, and a constant diminution of financial resources. These challenges have been a source of discouragement for many of you, especially after many attempts to confront them with different programs for which economic resources were not spared. It would therefore be opportune to take to heart the words of Pope Francis to the Bishops gathered in Brazil this past July: “never yield to the fear once expressed by Blessed John Henry Newman, that “… the Christian world is gradually becoming barren and effete, as land which has been worked out and is become sand”. We must not yield to disillusionment, discouragement and complaint” (Address to the Bishops of Brazil 28/07/13 n.3). Let us remember that, as Blessed John Paul II noted, “the mission of Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still very far from completion… an overall view of the human race shows that this mission is still only beginning and that we must commit ourselves wholeheartedly to its service” (Redemptoris Missio nr.1).
Scarcity of Priests and Religious: The first of the three above mentioned challenges is the most significant, since it is only with well-formed, competent, zealous, and holy priests and religious that a local Church can be expected to grow in enthusiasm for the faith, and be effective in evangelizing those in its ambit. The scarcity of dedicated apostolic personnel, which you are now facing, is linked to a number of factors. These include: a) the aging of priests and religious and their withdrawal from active ministry, including the phenomenon of the departure of religious communities that were once an essential part of the ecclesiastical history of the Antilles, b) the departure of some other priests because of discouragement, and others because of moral problems, and c) the lack of young people answering God’s call to dedicate their lives exclusively for the proclamation of the Gospel as priests and religious. In some of the Dioceses active programs for the Permanent Diaconate have met with some success, providing some help with catechesis, preaching and other pastoral activities, especially in the service of the poor. The Church cannot live and grow without priests, who ensure that the Eucharist is celebrated and that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is provided to the faithful, not to mention the fact that they provide future candidates for episcopal office. Here I would like to acknowledge the work you have already done to confront this challenge by appointing vocation directors in every Diocese and by establishing a vocation commission on the Conference level. Even though these initiatives may not have yet produced the longed-for results, this does not mean that they will not bear fruit in the future. Obviously much more must be done in the area of ongoing formation of priests and their accompaniment by their Bishop, so that young people might encounter joyful, zealous and faithful priests. Because only such priests will attract the young to the service of Christ.
Falling numbers of active Catholics: The second challenge is that of (the) falling number of Catholics in different particular Churches in the region. It is a complex reality. In some areas, because of a downturn in the world economy, many people are emigrating in search of employment and for a better future. In other areas some Catholics stop practicing their faith because of a lack of priests or the poor quality of pastoral care: poorly prepared homilies, less than adequate liturgical preparation and animation, sub-standard catechesis, and a poor sense of community. Often what is really lacking is a caring shepherd that is (in) their midst, one that bears “the odor of his sheep”. As a result, some Catholics have been attracted by aggressive Pentecostal-type religious groups, who offer a very emotional and enthusiastic display of piety and worship. This phenomenon has also touched the great Catholic educational institutions, which have seen an erosion of Catholic identity because of the departure of priests and religious involved in Catholic education. Thankfully there are dedicated lay people, many of which give clear and bold witness to their faith. Others however become discouraged and still others are not in tune with the teaching of the Church.
New Lay Ecclesial Movements: One must add, however, that the Antilles does have a number of vibrant lay movements and new religious communities, who work for social development and the care of the poor, such as the Living Water Community, the Mustard Seed Communities, and the Missionaries of the Poor. Furthermore, I would like to applaud and support your efforts in reaching out to Catholics who have lost their way, by various programs and grand socio-ecclesial events. It is vital, therefore, that you do not lose heart, or become discouraged because of less-than-adequate results of your efforts. In this regard I would also suggest that you invite into your Dioceses some of the new ecclesial movements and realities that have provided much needed support for lay people in the practice of the faith through intense catechesis, joyful celebrations of the Sacraments, marriage enrichment, and a general enthusiasm for the Faith.
Scarcity of Financial Resources: These challenges have also resulted in decreasing financial resources in many of your Dioceses. Notwithstanding the obvious generosity of the Catholic faithful, who loyally and generously support their Church financially, the diminution of pastoral personnel and of practicing Catholics has resulted in financial difficulties for many of you. One of the consequences is not being able to adequately support the clergy, even in the more prosperous parts of the Antilles. This problem is also being felt on the universal level, with fewer resources flowing into the Pontifical Mission Societies. This challenge obviously calls us to be much more attentive to the way we administer the economic resources of the Church. We must find ways of cutting costs, by living more simply, taking our example from the Holy Father, and by finding new sources for financial assistance at home and abroad. Above all, it means that we must be absolutely transparent in the financial management of our Dioceses. I would, therefore, strongly recommend that you publish annual financial statements for the Diocese for public perusal. This will encourage your priests to be more transparent in the administration of their parishes. After all, how can we ask our priests to be transparent, if we ourselves do not provide the first example? I applaud the efforts of your Episcopal Conference, which has made laudable efforts in keeping costs down. Deacon Michael James, your Secretary General, and his wife, Maria, have been very generous in their work of the Conference. Thankfully, you also have the support of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, which provides much needed subsidies.
The Bishops and their Ministry: Dear Brothers, it is up to us to confront the challenges with courage. We are the ones ultimately responsible for the spiritual well-being of the local Church. We have been chosen by the Lord to serve His flock and to tend His sheep, not our own. It is up to us to begin the process of revitalizing the Faith in our particular Churches. It is up to us to find new and creative ways to proclaim God’s Word, in all its integrity, in a way that will draw people to Christ and to His Church. This will require great efforts in providing the necessary leadership for our clergy, the religious collaborating with us, and for our faithful.
Pope Francis, speaking to the Bishops of CELAM in Rio de Janeiro (July 28, 2013), advised them with these words: “Please take seriously our vocation as the servants of the Holy People of God… Bishops must be Pastors, close to the people, fathers and brothers, with much gentleness; patient and merciful: Men who love poverty, as interior poverty as freedom before the Lord, as exteriorp overty as simplicity and austerity of life, men who…are husbands of a Church without waiting for another. Men able to keep watch over the flock entrusted to them and to their care…who have brightness and light in their hearts.” He further commented: “The place of the Bishop in standing with his people is tri-fold: in front of them to indicate the path; in their midst to maintain unity among them; and behind them to be sure that no one is left behind” (L’Osservatore Romano, July 29-30, 2013).
Our priests and our lay faithful must never feel abandoned by their Pastor. I would therefore invite you not to absent yourselves from your Dioceses, but rather, to go out and visit the parishes, not only for extraordinary sacramental celebrations, but on a regular Sunday, meeting your priest and the People of God, offering to them words of encouragement and challenging them to be more zealous in the practice of their faith. Such visits also provide wonderful opportunities for you to speak to young people directly; inviting and inspiring them to practice their faith and also to consider follow a vocation to the Priesthood or consecrated life.
Relationship with the Clergy: Let us also remember the important place that the clergy for our local Churches. Paragraph 28 of Lumen tells us that priests are “prudent (providi) cooperators with the Episcopal Order… [and that they] constitute one Priesthood with their Bishop”. As “collaborators”, they enjoy the right to fully participate in the pastoral ministry of the Bishop, not only as pastors of parishes and holders of Diocesan offices, but also through their participation in various Diocesan Bodies that are mandated by canon law. It is vital, therefore, that each Diocese have an active college of consultors (c. 502), a functioning presbyteral council (c. 495), and an effective financial council (c. 492). Above all it is necessary to maintain positive, paternal and fraternal relationships with your clergy, being firm, when necessary, but always having at heart the priest’s ongoing spiritual, cultural, and pastoral formation. The Holy Father’s words addressed to newly appointed Bishops this past September are very illuminating. “I would like to remember affection for your priests. Your priests are your first neighbor…— love your neighbor …your priests are indispensable collaborators of whom to seek counsel and help and for whom you should care as fathers, brothers and friends. One of your priority tasks is the spiritual care of the presbyterate, but do not forget the human needs of each individual priest, especially in the most delicate and important events in their ministry and their life. The time you spend with your priests is never wasted!” (19/09/2013).
I therefore ask you to exhort and inspire your priests to a more authentic and sincere obedience to their Bishops and legitimate Superiors, and to lead the faithful with a humble attitude. Encourage them to ever greater detachment from money and material goods. Challenge them also to be careful and faithful to established norms in their celebration of the Liturgy.
It is also important to remember that because among your clergy there is much diversity, it is very important that the Bishop promote and cultivate real communion and mutual respect among the clergy, encouraging them to work zealously together as an effective evangelizing force. The fact that your Dioceses have both diocesan and religious priests, some born locally, others coming as missionaries to the Antilles, can sometimes (be) a pretext for tension and division. But in reality, this diversity is really a great blessing, because it provides a wider perspective and an opportunity to appreciate the universality of the Church. Since I will not be able to meet all of your priest collaborators, please convey to them my cordial greetings and assure them of my prayers.
Formation: Adequate formation of the clergy, both initial and ongoing, is another important area of concern. The Holy Father emphasized this point in his address in Rio de Janeiro this past July, when he said: “unless we train ministers capable of warming people’s hearts, of walking with them in the night, of dialoguing with their hopes and disappointments, of mending their brokenness, what hope can we have for our present and future journey?...That is why it is important to devise and ensure a suitable formation, on which will provide persons able to step into the night without being overcome by the darkness and losing their bearing: able to listen to people’s dreams without being seduced and to share their disappointments without losing hope and becoming bitter: able to sympathize with the brokenness of others without losing their own strength and identity ” (loc. cit. n. 4). In this context, the desire to reopen St. John Vianney Major Seminary in this Archdiocese is very laudable, providing that it will have an adequate number of good priest formators, who will mentor the candidates by their own personal example of priestly integrity and transparency. Furthermore, the seminary must provide a clear and unambiguous presentation of the Church’s doctrine and moral teaching, especially in the area of human sexuality and celibacy. Finally, it should inspire the candidate to mission, to be zealous in the proclamation of the Gospel, and selfless in the service of the faithful.
Clerical Discipline: Let us now turn to the delicate area of clerical discipline. You may have in your Diocese clerics who have sadly fallen into immoral and scandalous behavior. As a father, you must always begin by assuring the Priest of your paternal concern and compassion for him. Then, you must kindly, but firmly, call him back, providing adequate time and spiritual/psychological resources that could be needed to heal the spiritual/moral illness that the priest may be embroiled in. However, after a prudent amount of time, if the behavior continues, and it is clear that the priest is incorrigible, it is absolutely essential to take the necessary canonical steps, either inviting the priest to ask for a dispensation from his clerical obligations, or to begin the process of dismissal in poenam from the clerical state. In this matter, the Ordinary must follow all of the canonical requirements, gathering clear evidence, not based on hearsay, but on actual witnesses, remembering that a priest accused of serious breaches in his promise of obedience and/or chaste celibacy, has the right to a regular and serious investigation, which includes the opportunity for self-defense. If there are any victims involved as a result of a priest’s behavior, they must be taken care of with compassion. The priest himself should provide help from his own resources, if at all possible, to such victims. Difficulties with our clergy must be faced with courage and perseverance, for the good of the faithful, so that a climate of trust and confidence is provided for in the Diocese.
Relationship with the Religious: With regard to your relationship with the men and women religious in your Dioceses, I would strongly encourage an attitude of respect, dialogue, and collaboration at every level. Local Churches need their unique charisms. Let us, therefore, remember the principle of subsidiarity, which allows everyone to find their proper place as they contribute to the common good. Let us not be discouraged by the aging and departure of some religious communities from our Dioceses, rather, let us notice many new Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, which are attracting young vocations and offering wonderful service to the Church. I would invite you to seek them out and invite them into your Dioceses.
Conclusion: Dear Brothers, before I conclude, I would like to renew my appreciation for your generous pastoral care, for your unwavering communion with the Holy Father, and for all of the good that you do at the universal level to support the missions throughout the world. Thank you for your positive attitude with which you have met the faithful in the Antilles, who are, at this very moment, in my thoughts and prayers.
May Christ, our Master and Lord, bless you, and, as He asked the Father to safeguard the faith of Peter, may the Father grant that the Episcopal Ministry entrusted to you be both fruitful and generous. May Mary, Queen of the Apostles, accompany you with her maternal care and Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, Patroness of the Missions, inspire you and the Churches that you shepherd to every greater holiness and zeal for the task of evangelization.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 3.12.13 0 comments
Pope to Dutch prelates: "be present in all spheres of humanity"
“The Church”, he continued, “not only proposes immutable moral truths and attitudes which go against the grain, but also proposes them as the key to the good of humanity and social development. Christians have the mission of taking up this challenge. The education of consciences therefore becomes a priority, especially through the formation of critical judgement, in order to have a positive approach to social realities: superficial judgement and resignation to indifference can thus be avoided”.
In the society of the Netherlands, “strongly characterised by secularism”, the Pope invited the prelates to “be present both in public debate in all spheres which affect humanity, to make visible God's mercy and his tenderness to every living creature. … As I have often stated, … the Church enlarges not by proselytism but by attraction. She is sent everywhere to awaken, reawaken and maintain hope! This brings us to the importance of encouraging the faithful to seize opportunities for dialogue, to be present in those places where the future is decided; they will thus be able to bring their contribution into the debates on important social matters regarding, for instance, the family, marriage and the end of life”.
“In a country rich in many respects, poverty affects a growing number of people. Make the most of the generosity of the faithful to bring the light and compassion of Christ where He is awaited, and especially among the most marginalised people”, the Pope continued. Furthermore, Catholic schools, which provide a solid education for the young, must continue to favour their human and spiritual formation, in a spirit of dialogue and brotherhood with those who do not share their faith”.
He went on to reconfirm the importance of “advancing along the path of ecumenism”, and reminded the bishops that the future and the vitality of the Church in the Netherlands depend also on priestly and religious vocations, stressing the importance of being close to priests, of listening to and guiding them as necessary. “Do not forget to go towards those who do not approach you; some of them, unfortunately, are disappointed in their efforts”.
“In particular”, he added, “I wish to express my compassion and to ensure my closeness in prayer to every victim of sexual abuse, and to their families; I ask you to continue to support them along the painful path of healing, that they have undertaken wit
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 3.12.13 0 comments
zondag 1 december 2013
Christian life is path of encountering Jesus, says Pope
Vatican City, Dec 1, 2013 / 03:30 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis traveled to an outlying parish in his Diocese of Rome today, celebrating Mass for the first Sunday of Advent as well as the sacrament of confirmation with parishioners there.
The Pope’s homily focused on the idea of life as a journey of encounter with Christ.
“We can ask ourselves this question: When will we meet Jesus – only at the end? No, no, no. We meet him every day. But how? In prayer. When you pray, you meet Jesus. When you take communion, you meet Jesus in the sacrament. When you bring your child to Jesus to be baptized, you bring him to Jesus, and you find Jesus. And you today, who receive confirmation, also you meet Jesus,” his said to those gathered in the Church of St. Cyril of Alexandria in Rome on Dec. 2.
He asked those in the parish if they considered confirmation to be the last time they would come to Church. Some in the congregation seemed to nod reluctantly.
“Well, it’s so-so,” the Pope said, acknowledging the common practice.
Yet he encouraged that it need not be so, saying, “but after confirmation the whole of life is also a meeting with Jesus!”
This meeting happens “in prayer, when we go to Mass, and when we do good works: when we visit the sick, when we help the poor, when we think of others,” the Pontiff explained.
“And today for me is also a joy to come here with you, because all of us here, today, together at Mass, meet Jesus. And we make a piece of the journey together,” he said.
Pope Francis then went on to note that some have said to him, “ but Father, you know that for me, this journey, it’s a brutal journey. I’m a great sinner. I’ve committed many sins. How can I meet Jesus?”
For the answer, the Pope turned to the life of Christ: “You know that the people Jesus sought out the most were the biggest sinners.”
Although many would reproach Jesus for this, Christ would say “I came for the sinners who need healing.”
“Jesus sees our sins,” noted the Holy Father. “And in our journey – ours, we’re all sinners, all of us – when we make mistakes, when we sin, Jesus comes even then, and he forgives us.”
“And this forgiveness that we receive in confession is a meeting with Jesus,” he added.
Reflecting on Sunday’s Old Testament reading, Pope Francis continued, “Let’s go, in life, up that mountain that the prophet speaks of… one day there will be the definite encounter where we can see the beautiful gaze of Jesus.”
“Let yourselves be looked upon by Jesus, because Jesus looks upon us with love. He loves us very much. And he looks upon us always.”
In the meantime, he said, “this is the Christian life. To journey, to go forward, united as brothers, everyone loving one another.”
To those who were about to receive confirmation, he added, “And today, with the seal of the Holy Spirit you will have more strength for this path to meet Jesus.”
“Be courageous. Don’t be afraid. Life is this journey,” he encouraged.
Pope Francis then celebrated the sacrament of confirmation with the young people of the parish before continuing the Mass.
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 1.12.13 0 comments
Home » News » Vatican Pope Francis: Advent is a journey towards horizon of hope
Vatican City, Dec 1, 2013 / 09:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Pope’s Sunday Angelus message for the start of Advent focused on the importance of hope during the liturgical season dedicated to preparing for Christmas.
“For the great human family it is necessary to renew always the common horizon toward which we are journeying. The horizon of hope! This is the horizon that makes a good journey,” Pope Francis said on Dec. 1 to the crowds in St. Peter’s Square.
“The time of Advent that we begin again today returns us to the horizon of hope, a hope that does not disappoint because it is founded on the Word of God. A hope that does not disappoint, simply because the Lord never disappoints! He is faithful!” the Pope emphasized.
The time of Advent that the Church celebrates in preparation for Christmas, explained the Pontiff, is “a new journey of the People of God with Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, who guides us in history towards the completion of the Kingdom of God.”
“Let us rediscover the beauty of being together along the way: the Church, with her vocation and mission, and the whole of humanity, the people, the civilizations, the cultures, all together on the paths of time.”
“But on the way to where?” queried Pope Francis.
In the Old Testament, the People of God journeyed toward Jerusalem where the temple of the Lord was, “because from there, from Jerusalem, came the revelation of the face of God and His law.”
At the fullness of time, however, “revelation found its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, and the ‘temple of the Lord’ became God himself, the Word made flesh.”
It is the Lord himself who guides our journey, the “pilgrimage of all of the People of God; and by its light even the other peoples can walk towards the Kingdom of justice, towards the Kingdom of peace.”
“What a great day it will be, when the weapons will be dismantled in order to be transformed into instruments of work!” the Pope reflected, noting the scripture passage from the prophet Isaiah which referred to such peace.
“And this is possible! We bet on hope, on the hope of peace, and it will be possible!” he exclaimed.
“The journey is never finished,” advised Pope Francis. “Just as in each of our own lives, there is always a need to restart, to rise again, to recover a sense of the goal of one’s own existence.”
Mary serves as a “model of this spiritual attitude, to this way of being and of journeying in life.”
Although she was just a “simple girl,” she “carried in her heart the hope of God,” explained the Holy Father.
“In her womb, the hope of God took flesh, became man, and made history: Jesus Christ.”
Mary’s song of praise in the Magnificat “is the canticle of the People of God on the journey, and of all men and women who hope in God, in the power of his mercy.”
“Let us be guided by her, she who is mother, she is a ‘mama’ and knows how to lead us. Let us be guided by her in this time of waiting and active vigilance.”
Pope Francis then led the crowds in the traditional Angelus prayer and closed by greeting the various groups who had come to pray in the Square.
He took a moment to remember those who are affected by HIV and AIDS, since “today marks the World Day for the fight against HIV/ AIDS.”
“We express our closeness to the people who are affected, especially children, a closeness that is very concrete in the silent work of many missionaries and workers. We pray for everyone, also for physicians and researchers. That every sick person, without exception, may have access to the care they need.”
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 1.12.13 0 comments
woensdag 27 november 2013
Statement by the OECS Authority at its 58th Meeting on The Ruling by the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic on Nationality
Nov. 25, 2013 - We, the Authority of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) meeting in Montserrat at our 58th Meeting, express our collective abhorrence at the 23 September 2013 ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic that effectively renders stateless, thousands of men, women and children mostly of Haitian descent.
The decision of the Constitutional Court is repulsive and discriminatory. We deeply regret the failure of the Government of the Dominican Republic to take corrective measures. Accordingly, we call on the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) of which our individual countries are also Members, to suspend immediately any consideration of the application by the Dominican Republic for membership of CARICOM.
Further, until this injustice has been addressed, the Member States of the OECS would find it extremely difficult to engage with the Dominican Republic in various fora including within the councils of the Caribbean Forum of African Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (CARIFORUM).
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 27.11.13 0 comments
dinsdag 26 november 2013
Begin 'new chapter' of joyful evangelization, Pope exhorts
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 26.11.13 0 comments
Pope issues first Apostolic Exhortation: Evangelii Gaudium
The Joy of the Gospel is the title Pope Francis has chosen for this first major document of his pontificate, putting down in print the joyous spirit of encounter with Christ that characterizes every public appearance he has made so far. The man who has constantly kept the media’s attention with his desire to embrace and share his faith with everyone he meets, now urges us to do exactly the same. To “recover the original freshness of the Gospel”, as he puts it, through a thorough renewal of the Church’s structures and vision. Including what he calls “a conversion of the papacy” to make it better able to serve the mission of evangelization in the modern world. The Church, he says, should not be afraid to re-examine “customs not directly connected to the heart of the Gospel” even if they may have deep historical roots.
In strikingly direct and personal language, the Pope appeals to all Christians to bring about a “revolution of tenderness” by opening their hearts each day to God’s unfailing love and forgiveness. The great danger in today’s consumer society, he says, is “the desolation and anguish” that comes from a “covetous heart, the feverish pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a blunted conscience.” Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests , he warns, “there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor.”
As we open our hearts, the Pope goes on, so the doors of our churches must always be open and the sacraments available to all. The Eucharist, he says pointedly, “is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak” And he repeats his ideal of a Church that is “bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets” rather than a Church that is caught up in a slavish preoccupation with liturgy and doctrine, procedure and prestige. “God save us,” he exclaims, “from a worldly Church with superficial spiritual and pastoral trappings!” Urging a greater role for the laity, the Pope warns of “excessive clericalism” and calls for “a more incisive female presence in the Church”, especially “where important decisions are made.”
Looking beyond the Church, Pope Francis denounces the current economic system as “unjust at its root”, based on a tyranny of the marketplace, in which financial speculation, widespread corruption and tax evasion reign supreme. He also denounces attacks on religious freedom and new persecutions directed against Christians. Noting that secularization has eroded ethical values, producing a sense of disorientation and superficiality, the Pope highlights the importance of marriage and stable family relationships.
Returning to his vision of a Church that is poor and for the poor, the Pope urges us to pay particular attention to those on the margins of society, including the homeless, the addicted, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly, migrants, victims of trafficking and unborn children. While it is not “progressive” to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life, he says, it’s also true that “we have done little to adequately accompany women in very difficult situations, where abortion appears as a quick solution to their profound anguish.”
Finally the new papal document also focuses on the themes of promoting peace, justice and fraternity, through patient and respectful dialogue with all people of all faiths and none. Better relations with other Christians, with Jews and with Muslims are all seen as indispensable ways of promoting peace and combatting fundamentalism. While urging Christians to “avoid hateful generalisations” about Islam, the Pope also calls “humbly” on Islamic countries to guarantee full religious freedom to Christians”
The full text of the new Apostolic Exhortation can be found on the Vatican website, while the main points are outlined in the synopsis below:
“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.” Thus begins the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, by which Pope Francis develops the theme of the proclamation of the Gospel in the contemporary world, drawn from, among other sources, the contribution of the work of the Synod held in the Vatican, from 7 to 28 October 2012, on the theme “The new evangelization for the transmission of the faith”. “I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come” (1). It is a heartfelt appeal to all baptized persons to bring Christ’s love to others, “permanently in a state of mission” (25), conquering “the great danger in today’s world”, that of an individualist “desolation and anguish” (2).
The Pope invites the reader to “recover the original freshness of the Gospel”, finding “new avenues” and “new paths of creativity”, without enclosing Jesus in “dull categories” (11). There is a need for a “pastoral and missionary conversion, which cannot leave things as they presently are” (25) and a “renewal” of ecclesiastical structures to enable them to become “more mission-oriented” (27). The Pontiff also considers “a conversion of the papacy” to help make this ministry “more faithful to the meaning which Jesus Christ wished to give it and to the present needs of evangelization”. The hope that the Episcopal Conferences might contribute to “the concrete realization of the collegial spirit”, he states, “has not been fully realized” (32). A “sound decentralization” is necessary (16). In this renewal, the Church should not be afraid to re-examine “certain customs not directly connected to the heart of the Gospel, even some of which have deep historical roots” (43).
A sign of God’s openness is “that our church doors should always be open” so that those who seek God “will not find a closed door”; “nor should the doors of the sacraments be closed for simply any reason”. The Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak”. These convictions have pastoral consequences that we are called to consider with prudence and boldness” (47). He repeats that he prefers “a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church … concerned with being at the centre and then ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. If something should rightly disturb us … it is the fact that many of our brothers and sisters are living without … the friendship of Jesus Christ” (49).
The Pope indicates the “temptations which affect pastoral workers” (77): “individualism, a crisis of identity and a cooling of fervour” (78). The greatest threat of all is “the grey pragmatism of the daily life of the Church, in which all appears to proceed normally, which in reality faith is wearing down” (83). He warns against “defeatism” (84), urging Christians to be signs of hope (86), bringing about a “revolution of tenderness” (88). It is necessary to seek refuge from the “spirituality of well-being … detached from responsibility for our brothers and sisters” (90) and to vanquish the “spiritual worldliness” that consists of “seeking not the Lord’s glory but human glory and well-being” (93). The Pope speaks of the many who “feel superior to others” because “they remain intransigently faithful to a particular Catholic style from the past” whereby “instead of evangelizing, one analyses and classifies others” (94). And those who have “an ostentatious preoccupation for the liturgy, for doctrine and for the Church’s prestige, but without any concern that the Gospel have a real impact” on the needs of the people (95). This is “a tremendous corruption disguised as a good … God save us from a worldly Church with superficial spiritual and pastoral trappings!” (97).
He appeals to ecclesial communities not to fall prey to envy and jealousy: “How many wars take place within the people of God and in our different communities!” (98). “Whom are we going to evangelize if this is the way we act?” (100). He highlights the need to promote the growth of the responsibility of the laity, often kept “away from decision-making” by “an excessive clericalism” (102). He adds that there is a need for “still broader opportunities for a more incisive female presence in the Church”, in particular “in the various settings where important decisions are made” (103). “Demands that the legitimate rights of women be respected … cannot be lightly evaded” (104). The young should “exercise greater leadership” (106). With regard to the scarcity of vocations in many places, he emphasizes that “seminaries cannot accept candidates on the basis of any motivation whatsoever” (107).
With regard to the theme of inculturation, he remarks that “Christianity does not have simply one cultural expression” and that the face of the Church is “varied” (116). “We cannot demand that peoples of every continent, in expressing their Christian faith, imitate modes of expression which European nations developed at a particular moment of their history” (118). The Pope reiterates that “underlying popular piety … is an active evangelizing power” (126) and encourages the research of theologians, reminding them however that “the Church and theology exist to evangelize” and urges them not to be “content with a desk-bound theology” (133).
He focuses “somewhat meticulously, on the homily”, since “many concerns have been expressed about this important ministry and we cannot simply ignore them” (135). The homily “should be brief and avoid taking on the semblance of a speech or a lecture” (138); it should be a “heart-to-heart communication” and avoid “purely moralistic or doctrinaire” preaching (142). He highlights the importance of preparation: “a preacher who does not prepare is not ‘spiritual’; he is dishonest and irresponsible” (145). Preaching should always be positive in order always to “offer hope” and “does not leave us trapped in negativity” (159). The approach to the proclamation of the Gospel should have positive characteristics: “approachability, readiness for dialogue, patience, a warmth and welcome, which is non-judgmental” (165).
In relation to the challenges of the contemporary world, the Pope denounces the current economic system as “unjust at its root” (59). “Such an economy kills” because the law of “the survival of the fittest” prevails. The current culture of the “disposable” has created “something new”: “the excluded are not the ‘exploited’ but the outcast, the ‘leftovers’” (53). “A new tyranny is thus born, invisible and often virtual”, of an “autonomy of the market” in which “financial speculation” and “widespread corruption” and “self-serving tax-evasion reign” (56). He also denounces “attacks on religious freedom” and the “new persecutions directed against Christians. … In many places the problem is more that of widespread indifference and relativism” (61). The family, the Pope continues, “is experiencing a profound cultural crisis”. Reiterating the indispensable contribution of marriage to society” (66), he underlines that “the individualism of our postmodern and globalized era favours a lifestyle which … distorts family bonds” (67).
He re-emphasizes “the profound connection between evangelization and human advancement” (178) and the right of pastors “to offer opinions on all that affects people’s lives” (182). “No one can demand that religion should be relegated to the inner sanctum of personal life, without a right to offer an opinion on events affecting society”. He quotes John Paul II, who said that the Church “cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice” (183). “For the Church, the option for the poor is primarily a theological category” rather than a sociological one. “This is why I want a Church that is poor and for the poor. They have much to teach us” (198). “As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved … no solution will be found for this world’s problems” (202). “Politics, although often denigrated”, he affirms, “remains a lofty vocation and one of the highest forms of charity”. I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by … the lives of the poor!” (205). He adds an admonition: “Any Church community”, if it believes it can forget about the poor, runs the risk of “breaking down”.
The Pope urges care for the weakest members of society: “the homeless, the addicted, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly who are increasingly isolated and abandoned” and migrants, for whom the Pope exhorts “a generous openness” (210). He speaks about the victims of trafficking and new forms of slavery: “This infamous network of crime is now well established in our cities, and many people have blood on their hands as a result of their comfortable and silent complicity” (211). “Doubly poor are those women who endure situations of exclusion, mistreatment and violence” (212). “Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children, the most defenceless and innocent among us. Nowadays efforts are made to deny them their human dignity” (213). “The Church cannot be expected to change her position on this question … it is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life” (214). The Pope makes an appeal for respect for all creation: we “are called to watch over and protect the fragile world in which we live” (216).
With regard to the theme of peace, the Pope affirms that “a prophetic voice must be raised” against attempts at false reconciliation to “silence or appease” the poor, while others “refuse to renounce their privileges” (218). For the construction of a society “in peace, justice and fraternity” he indicates four principles (221): “Time is greater than space” (222) means working “slowly but surely, without being obsessed with immediate results” (223). “Unity prevails over conflict” (226) means “a diversified and life-giving unity” (228). “Realities are more important than ideas” (231) means avoiding “reducing politics or faith to rhetoric” (232). “The whole is greater than the part” means bringing together “globalization and localization” (234).
“Evangelization also involves the path of dialogue,” the Pope continues, which opens the Church to collaboration with all political, social, religious and cultural spheres (238). Ecumenism is “an indispensable path to evangelization”. Mutual enrichment is important: “we can learn so much from one another!” For example “in the dialogue with our Orthodox brothers and sisters, we Catholics have the opportunity to learn more about the meaning of Episcopal collegiality and their experience of synodality” (246); “dialogue and friendship with the children of Israel are part of the life of Jesus’ disciples” (248); “interreligious dialogue”, which must be conducted “clear and joyful in one’s own identity”, is “a necessary condition for peace in the world” and does not obscure evangelization (250-251); in our times, “our relationship with the followers of Islam has taken on great importance” (252). The Pope “humbly” entreats those countries of Islamic tradition to guarantee religious freedom to Christians, also “in light of the freedom which followers of Islam enjoy in Western countries!” “Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent fundamentalism” he urges us to “avoid hateful generalisations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence” (253). And against the attempt to private religions in some contexts, he affirms that “the respect due to the agnostic or non-believing minority should not be arbitrarily imposed in a way that silences the convictions of the believing majority or ignores the wealth of religious traditions” (255). He then repeats the importance of dialogue and alliance between believers and non-believers (257).
The final chapter is dedicated to “spirit-filled evangelizers”, who are those who are “fearlessly open to the working of the Holy Spirit” and who have “the courage to proclaim the newness of the Gospel with boldness (parrhesía) in every time and place, even when it meets with opposition” (259). These are “evangelizers who pray and work” (262), in the knowledge that “mission is at once a passion for Jesus and a passion for his people” (268): “Jesus wants us to touch human misery, to touch the suffering flesh of others” (270). He explains: “In our dealings with the world, we are told to give reasons for our hope, but not as an enemy who critiques and condemns” (271). “Only the person who feels happiness in seeking the good of others, in desiring their happiness, can be a missionary” (272); “if I can help at least one person to have a better life, that already justifies the offering of my life” (274). The Pope urges us not to be discouraged before failure or scarce results, since “fruitfulness is often invisible, elusive and unquantifiable”; we must know “only that our commitment is necessary” (279). The exhortation concludes with a prayer to Mary, “Mother of Evangelization”. “There is a Marian ‘style’ to the Church’s work of evangelization. Whenever we look to Mary, we come to believe once again in the revolutionary nature of love and tenderness” (288).
Posted by Rutzen Lucas at 26.11.13 0 comments