After stressing the importance of pastoral councils for the running of a diocese, the Pope shared three reflections for their diocesan synod which is to take place shortly.
Firstly, he said, all members of the Church must listen attentively to the Word of God – priests, parents, catechists must all be tuned into God so that they can share their faith more effectively with others.
Secondly, he said, the Church community must walk together with Our Lord in their midst. Priests, he stressed, must be really present with their people to encourage, support and share the journey with them. Forgiving and asking for forgiveness, he said, are an essential part of both family and community life.
Finally Pope Francis highlighted the importance of missionary work, bringing the Gospel to the margins of our societies. Do not be afraid, he said, to go out to those places and those people who are living in difficult situations or who are far away from the spiritual life of the Church.
At the end of the encounter in San Rufino, the Holy Father went to the Basilica of St Clare where he spent a few moments in silent prayer in front of the glass tomb of the saint housed in the crypt . He then met with the community of cloistered nuns there, speaking of the humanity and joy that springs from a life centred on Christ. Teasing the sisters gathered in front of him, the Pope said it makes him sad to see sisters who are not joyful, who have forced smiles, or who are too serious in their spiritual life. Yours, he said, must be the holiness of a mother who gives life to the Church. Though community life is not always easy, he concluded, you must try to resolve your problems with love, with friendships and with joy that comes from the heart.
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