dinsdag 15 september 2009

Participants at the AEC Justice and Peace Seminar at Seminary of St.John Vianney, Trinidad

L to R starting front Row

Bishop Emeritus Anthony Dickson, Leela Ramdeen Chair Catholic Commission for Social Justice Commission (CCSJ) TT; Bishop Emmanuel Lafont of Cayenne, French Guiana Chair of AEC J&P Commission; Mr. David Brooks, Mandeville Diocese,

Mr. Gerry Granado General Secretary Caribbean Conference of Churches, Sr Roberta CCSJ, Rhonda Maingot, Living Water Community TT,

Fr Peter McIssac SJ, J&P Commission Kingston, Jamaica; Sr. Bernadette Hughes Mandeville Diocese, Attorney Sylvie Compper Cayenne J&P Commission, Attorney Maureen Tjon Jaw Chong, Suriname J&P Commission;

Bishop Neil Tiedemann Mandeville, Jamaica, Deacon Mike James General Secretary AEC, Msgr Michael Stewart Rector St John Vianney Seminary, Attorney Gino Persaud Guyana J&P Commission.

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